Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Arrived!

Not much time to talk now, but our plane landed in Madrid at about 10am here. We hopped on a bus and wandered around downtown Madrid for a while before a very nice cab driver pointed us in the right direction of the CEA office. (we were totally going the wrong way.) The plane ride was awesome, though it was an adventure all in itself that I will tell you more about later. It involved our row being the only row whose movie screens didn't work, and my neighbor's reading light being stuck on all night. However, that same neighbor was the same woman I talked to for about 6 hours about faith, Jesus, and what she thinks Spain needs most. So great. And I walked away with an invitation to visit her and her husband in Galicia for Thanksgiving. Perfecto. Ahora? Walking around Madrid for a while before we head to our first couchsurfer's place... then onto the train for two weeks!

Hasta Luego,



  1. Can you believe you guys are really in SPAIN?!!!!
    Now the adventure begins! Look forward to hearing all about your travels.

  2. Craziness. But really. Haha. It's fun, and absolutely absurd. Lol. We will have much to tell you when we get back! Or over a Skype date in two weeks :)
