Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sickness, Churros and Churro-sick

In case you were wondering, being sick in a foreign country REALLY sucks. I have been battling a stuffy nose, headache, sore throat combo that has now moved into my chest. Yay! Not. Nor am I capable of communicating to the pharmacist what exactly my symptoms are, nor am I allowed to just pick out my own medicine because it is all behind the counter. On the bright side, this illness has increased my medically-related vocabulary...

I also have this weird addiction to running. Usually a good thing, right? Well, not when you're sick. I am forcing myself to take a rest day today, in an attempt to give my immune system a change to catch up. And then it's back to running :)

Yesterday, we had a meeting at the CEA campus. We were going to try the Spanish world-famous Chocolate con Churros. Churros are basically deep-fried bread (not covered in cinnamon and sugar, though) that you dip in a really thick hot chocolate. I was really excited to try it. World-famous, plus chocolate? Deal.

Wrong. No deal. I spent the 24 hours post-churro consumption laying in my bed trying not to vomit. It has been more than a day later, and I still feel nauseous. I didn't really find them good enough to eat again even before they made me sick... So, churros, nice try. I don't know what tricks you have pulled on the rest of the population to win world-wide favor, but I'm on to you. I see you for what you really are: greasy, flavor-less gastro-atomic bombs.
I finally caved about bought a Kindle a few days ago. I have been against them for a while, simply because I like having the actual book in my hands... However, English books are impossible to come by here in España, and I need something to read. No job, only a handful of friends, class just two days a week... I'm a bookworm and I need my fix. Thus: the Kindle purchase. I justify it by remembering that I'm saving trees in the process.

My mom comes next week! She's bringing with her a bunch of loot that I can't get here in Spain: peanut butter M&M's, Reese's, candy corn, and homemade banana chocolate chip muffins. I'm going to have to ration this stuff out to make it last until I go home. But really.

The plan while mama Tucker is here? Barcelona for two days, Edinburgh for three days, and then exploring Madrid for four days, including: the Prado, Parque del Buen Retiro, Gran Vía, and a flamenco show! ¡Que divertido!

And now... to cook dinner! On the menu? Cajun chicken pasta. Yum!

¡Besos de España!


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