
This blog started out as a much-needed outlet for my excitement regarding my study abroad trip last fall. Now, after five months spent on planes, trains and the far reaches of a world I'd never seen before, my life looks nothing like I thought it would. My heart looks nothing like I thought it would.

(If you're wondering about this photo, I'm at the Saint Louis Zoo, posing like the statue of the seal. I could say that this kind of thing is abnormal for me, but that would be a lie.)

But what started as a simple outlet for my excitement turned into something completely different. I ended up posting less about the ins and outs of getting ready for Europe, and more about my life and my heart and what God was teaching me. I never really wanted to start a blog, you see. I have always found it a bit self-centered, writing about me me me all the time. And yet, here we are.

And now, I love it. I love writing (though I never said I was good at it. And more than anything, I love telling people about what God is doing in my life.

Oh, did I mention? I love Jesus. He's kind of my everything. :)

I am not half the person I should be. I am selfish, proud, arrogant, dishonest and a coward. I am broken and imperfect. And yet, I am still called to be a fisher of men. Luckily, God works through me, despite me.

I fail, constantly. But God, He always prevails. So, you see, it doesn't matter that I'm imperfect.

"Because I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
Galatians 2:20

So, this has become a place for me to share my heart. Take it for what you will. It isn't witty or thrilling, or even particularly interesting. But God is doing such incredible things in my life and I hope that you catch a glimpse of Him while you're here. 


And if you're wondering where the title of the blog came from, it's one of my very favorite songs. It was written by a Younglife musician named Ryan Long. Check out his website here.

"Arise" by Ryan Long

Beloved, can you hear me?
I call across eternity
I am your God, are you listening?

Arise, my love, and come with me

Your heart is sore, your feet are weary
Your hope is gone, your head is hung
Leave behind the nothing that you've become

Arise, my love, and come with me

Arise and come and become what you believe
Lay down your burdens my love and come with me

Arise, my love, and come with me