Monday, August 8, 2011

Fairy Tale Places

In 22 days, I leave for Europe. Is that even real? August 30th, at 6:55 pm, I will be leaving the country for a semester.

109 days of studying, Spanish language, country-hopping, and general adventure. Yes, please!

For two weeks before school starts, we are traveling via train (and couch surfing) all the way around Europe. Want to know where we are going? (Assuming Graham didn't mess up the train routes? You can bet I'll be double checking them. However, getting lost in Europe might be kind of fun...) We start in Madrid, and then...

1. Perpignan, France. Why? Apparently there is climbing there, because there seems to be no other reason to go. It is in the south of France, as has apparently been deemed a "dirty, ugly town." I am voting against this stop on our trip. I vote Marseilles. However, Graham's reasoning is that it is on the way to our next stop, and is about the only town between Madrid and stop number two. There does seem to be a nice beach there, though...

2. Geneva, Switzerland. Located on the coast of Europe's largest alpine lake, it is gorgeous. Known for chocolate, jewelry, and basically everything luxurious.

3. Innsbruck, Austria. A wonderful mix of medieval and urban :)

4. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia. Yep. That's a real place.

5. Venice, Italy. Need I say more?

6. Ventamiglia, Italy. Another random stop on the way. Looks pretty enough, though. Couldn't find much else on this city. A day at the beach sounds good to me!

7. Barcelona, Spain. Artsy and fun, I am probably looking forward to this city the most, in regards to cities in Spain.

I finish camp on Sunday. In 6 days. And then? A crazy roadtrip with Getta in which I have to see friends, pack, re-pack, run errands, and get myself from Black Mountain, NC to Chicago, IL and back to STL. In the span of 14 days. I feel like I am going from one whirlwind to another. I am so excited. :)

And I feel like my wallet is about to get a whole lot lighter...

1 comment:

  1. South of France is beyond breathtaking. There is good climbing I have been told near Cannes if that helps any. (The French minor in me is trying to defend this wonderful country). Hope that helps!
