Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Old Habits

I had to laugh today.

Just yesterday, Sam and I were talking. We've got a 45 minute drive every day, so we cover a few topics. But yesterday we were talking about being gracious receivers. This is something that has always been difficult for both of us. God has been gracious and good, as always, and has taught us both a lot about allowing other people to love and serve us.

It's kind of funny, because service is something that comes so naturally to me. But learning to allow other people to serve me? That has been a long process. We were talking about how far we have come, and how much God has changed our hearts in this. In being gracious receivers, and not being stubborn and refusing to let anyone do anything for us.

And it's true. We have come a long way. I know I am not at all the person I was before. Even in the last year my heart in that has changed so much. My willingness to allow people to love me by doing things for me... It used to be that I didn't want to owe anyone anything. Then I didn't want anyone to have to do things for me, because I didn't need them to. I wanted them to save their service for someone who needed it, you could say. I have only recently learned that it is just as loving to accept service from others as it is to give it out. Funny how that works....

I had to laugh because Sam and I were just talking about this. And then today, at the end of a very long, hot day, I had an empty water cooler to walk up to the office. It wouldn't fit on the golf cart, so one of my friends grabbed the cooler and told me to take the golf cart and that he'd walk. Without a thought, like a reflex, I told him not to worry about it, that he could take the golf cart and I would carry the water cooler. The look I got said, "You're crazy if you think I'm going to make you walk." And I had to laugh.

Some habits die hard, I guess. Though my reasoning isn't the same as before, it comes down to the same thing. Which that reason then boils down to the same thing that drives all my sin: pride. That stubborn pride that God promises to tear down, thankfully. One water cooler at a time :) I am so grateful for a God who is patient and loving and good. And for friends who don't offer to serve, they just do.

One of many lessons I have learned over the last few weeks. More on this later. :) 

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